Church Reconstruction

Reconstruction Of Church Building Keshavarem Village

Due to recent heavy rains in September 2021, in the state of Andhra Pradesh the structure of the building was weakened and had to be demolished for safety purposes. Children of El Shaddai Full Gospel Church Keshavarem Rajamundry, was impacted to the extent that the walls, windows, doors and flooring had to be replaced.  Mercifully the roof remained intact.

By faith Pastor James and his wife Esther reached out to the community for help with the reconstruction.  Trusting God to supply the finances to purchase materials they moved forward with the rebuilding.  Thanks to be our faithful God, funds came initially from Pastor James and Esther and members of the church.  Additional funds from COESIM USA and Blue Sea Products Inc. praise God!   As of end of September 2021, almost 80 per cent of the building has been restored. All that remains is the flooring and finishing of the building.

October 2021

November 2021 – Children of El Shaddai Church Reopening